Thursday, June 23, 2011

Real Men Wear Pink

A couple of weeks ago, we had our annual Vacation Bible School (VBS) at my church.

Every year, I issue a challenge to the kids: get a certain number of kids registered, and I'll do something that most grown-ups really wouldn't consider doing.

You see, I was born without the ability to feel embarrassment when it comes to entertaining children. If it makes kids laugh, I'm good with it. If it challenges them to achieve something worthwhile in the process, all the better.

Usually, I shave my head. That's always worked well (and hey, it's summer--too hot for hair anyway), but it's become a bit...expected. The novelty wears off when it becomes institution.

Last year, I did something a little different: I got a green mohawk.

This year, we kept with the mohawk theme, but decided to up the ante: if the kids met the goal we set for them, I'd get a pink mohawk.

The kids stepped up, over-shot the goal by about forty, and so I present my documentation of the what-would-be-mortifying-for-most-other-people-but-not-me process of the Pink 'Hawk.

We learned last year that my hair is too dark for most color to show up, so this year, we did it right, and I became a blonde first.  The darker part of my beard shows you what color most of my hair was:

Silver and Gold...

Wow!  I'm already havin' more fun!!!

Then out came the razor, followed by the cheapest, gaudiest pink hair spray I could find:

I pity da know, in a pink, cotton candy way...

Yes, Blake.  Daddy's a weirdo...

A thorough washing led to:

Bringing the "Popples" look back from the 80's...

Which of course led to the final phase of the project (remember, I never promised I'd keep the pink mohawk):

Insert "Three Stooges" joke here...

So there you have it. I debased myself, the kids laughed themselves silly, and now my head is smooth and refreshingly cool.

I have no idea how to top this next year.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go tan my head...

Thanks for reading my ranting,


  1. You are crazy! And I'm sure that your boys love you for being unashamedly cool! Can't wait to see what you do next year. At least you've got an entire year to come up with a great idea. And hey, you're the best looking pink haired man I know! :-)

  2. Haha, Brad! I love Blake's face. He's not even surprised, it's more of an "Again, Dad??" face lol.

  3. LOL!!!! So humble and kind for you to indulge those kids!

  4. I can just imagine all the joy those kids felt! What a fun summer VBS for them to remember--good work!

  5. Maybe you need to do funky designs with your hair like zigzags or something. Love the picture series of your Pink Hawk, and especially the "yeah, I'm cool" smirk there in the last photo.

  6. HAHA! Very nice. lovely... you know, I remember my youth pastors used to do things like this. My brother actually did it last year when he went on a missions trip... well, shaved his head anyway. He'd probably do the pink mohawk thing, only he didn't think of it. :D

    Maybe me, being the good sister that I am, will think of it for him... while he's sleeping. ;)
